The emphasis on sustainable mineral exploration in Finland has rightfully grown in recent years. A mutual goal amongst the operators is to increasingly take into consideration nature and the stakeholders as a part of planning any exploration activities or research. For FinnAust Mining Finland Oy (“FinnAust”), responsibility is built out of our own core values with a focus on safety and an appreciation for the environment and communities in which we operate. The goal of the company is to strive to be a safe employer, a trustworthy partner, and to conduct our exploration in a manner that does not in any way endanger our employees, stakeholders, the public, or the environment. The responsibility and safety goals are supported by risk assessments and prevention of accidents, through the education of our employees and providing them with quality first aid and safety training. Across all our operations, FinnAust respects the property owner’s relationship to their land, which is why our team ensures close and transparent communication with landowners, informing them about our activities, on or near their properties.
To reach its goals and to improve its own operations FinnAust has utilised the 2021 renewed self-assessment tool for sustainable exploration produced by the Finnish Mining Association. This tool for sustainable exploration helps exploration companies operating in Finland to assess and improve their own operations according to common guidelines. The tool has been created in co-operation with exploration companies, representatives from nature conservation organisations, municipalities, and other stakeholders. As an active member of the Finnish Mining Association, FinnAust has contributed to the development of this tool. The “Network for Sustainable Exploration and Mining” is directed at mining and exploration companies and stakeholders to support the development of more sustainable and responsible operating methods and to exchange experiences and knowledge within the group.