FinnAust Mining Finland Oy has operated in the exploration industry since 2010 and has during that time studied the bedrock and ore potential of selected targets in eastern and central Finland, where the company has had and have reservations and exploration permit areas. Various geological research has been conducted in the target areas including for example deep diamond drilling, ground and airborne geophysical surveys, and geological mapping.
The exploration permit areas have been relinquished as soon as possible if the exploration efforts have not given reasons for additional research activities. For example, by the end of the year 2021, the total number of drillholes drilled by FinnAust Mining Finland Oy was 330 with a combined depth of approximately 81 300 metres. One third of these drill holes are within permit areas that have been relinquished. Additional information about the exploration methods and the environmental impact of exploration can be found on the “Exploration” page.
Currently the main research areas are in eastern Finland, in the old mining localities of Enonkoski, Hammaslahti and Outokumpu. In these areas, the company is targeting high quality nickel-copper and cobalt targets. The company is committed to not carry out any exploration activities in protected areas, national parks, or world heritage locations. In addition to this, buildings, cottages, and beaches of large water bodies are left outside the permit areas.